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Mohammad Mustafa

Student Assistant

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

What is your particular interest in the project?

“In the project ForMOVe I am primarily interested in the situation of the refugees in the countries surrounding Turkey, because I was affected myself and questions like ‘what are the reasons for the flight, who is to blame and how can the refugee situation be improved?’ are very interesting to me. Due to my impressions of the escape movement, the ethnic tension in Syria plays a significant role, so the project I deal with maybe can be crucial in answering my questions.”

Short CV
  • Since October 2019: Student Assistant at DFG-Project "Forced Migration and Organized Violence: A comparative study in Europe and the Americas" and Chair of Sociology Organization/Migration/Participation of Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries
  • Since October 2019: Student at Ruhr University Bochum (Culture, Individual, Society and Educational Science)
  • 2019: Work as an interviewer for the universities of Bamberg, Konstanz and Göttingen in the research project "ENTRA"
  • 2012-2013: Study of Social Education at the University of Aleppo 2012-2013
Research Focus
  • Sociology
  • Social and cultural psychology
  • Politics and International Relations
  • Learning and developmental psychology